vendredi 3 février 2017

The Many Advantages Of Avoiding A College Bar

By Angela Bell

Being in college may bring you closer to a lot of temptations but you simply need to set your priorities right. Allow this article to convince you that you are better off studying than drinking the night away. Make your parents proud and let them see that all of their money are worth it in helping you achieve your dreams.

You would be able to save money. It may be tempting to know what is inside a college bar Blacksburg but you are actually not missing that much. People go here to unwind and that is something that you can do even at the comforts of your boarding room. You just need to see things on a new perspective.

You will not have to suffer from kidney failure in Blacksburg. Love yourself enough to walk away from the things that are clearly bad for you. Yes, it can be very hard to say no temptation but simply envision yourself overcoming that hurdle. You can even start convincing your other friends to do the same and change their ways.

Expensive and useless party dresses will never be in your wardrobe. Remember that there is nothing wrong with choosing to keep your money and being a home buddy once in a while. This is just you being practical because you will always be more proud of your high grades than the pictures of the night you cannot remember.

You shall stay away from those stilettos which would only lead you to have aching feet in the end. Besides, do not have something which one would most probably use for once in your life. One is a student and giving in to luxuries shall only bring you regrets in the end. Tell that to yourself when some of your friends are being inconsiderate again.

Your accounts in social media will not be filled with pictures that can make other people judge you. Remember that things can easily be misinterpreted nowadays. This may just be a one time thing but in the eyes of the people who do not know you, one can already be branded as a party animal.

You shall not be reprimanded by your teachers on the next day because your focus is going to be there. One would earn points through your active participation and being an honor student would be a piece of cake. Go for the gold at all costs.

One is going to become safe. Do not be too confident on how cab drivers are nowadays. Do not ride in one of them when one is starting to lose all of those senses. Be the kind of woman whom your daughter would want to become someday.

Lying will no longer be one of your habits. Your parents deserve so much better than not knowing your exact whereabouts at night. If they always got your back with your studies, be able to give back by doing good actions and being a role model student through the years. Be wise enough.

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