dimanche 24 juin 2018

Lose Weight With Dairy Free Whipped Cream

By Ryan Phillips

The battle of the bulge often restricts what some call guilty pleasures. These days, food lovers and renowned chefs are finding new ways for regular people to enjoy the dishes they love. This includes dessert, as more are calling for dairy free whipped cream as a way to reduce saturated fat.

Making dessert can be very simple as long as there are a few key ingredients within reach. A couple of these would be instant oatmeal, raisins, and unsweetened applesauce. Instant pudding is also a good staple to have around, as it can also be used to top cakes or mixed in for moisture. Recipes like brown betty or a quick apple bake call for these or the applesauce may be enjoyed as a fat free option.

Foods made from plants today mimic a lot of foods made from animal products. The look, taste, and texture can fool just about anyone. These recipes are so good that many carnivores have happily converted to vegetarianism. When meals taste good, it makes dieting a lot easier and better for overall health. Making a lifetime commitment to eating right is the best way to maintain a proportionate body weight.

Those who have tried the dairy free version mostly say that it actually tastes better than the traditional recipe. One reason is that nuts have their own natural sweetness that complements the dessert. Others say they are just happy to have something creamy that does not contain as much saturated fat as the dairy version.

Besides the nut cream in condensed form, some recipes call for adding maple syrup or raw agave nectar, along with a little vanilla extract. Mixing in cocoa powder is great for topping cake or other dessert. People who make this topping may add their own spin on it by adding ground cinnamon, citrus peel, or vanilla.

For those who have leftover whipped cream, it can be made into a faux ice cream popsicle. Just add a packet of flavored gelatin or hot cocoa mix and stir until even. Place inside small containers that can withstand extreme cold. If there are no popsicle sticks to use, pouring inside a space ice tray with toothpicks is a good idea. Thaw slightly for softness or eat right out of the freezer.

One way to enjoy favorite pie recipes is to eliminate one of the two crust layers. Canola or olive oil makes a nice substitute for butter or margarine, along with using applesauce instead of sugar to sweeten the fruit. By topping with a little cream, anyone can have a dessert that has reduced calories and fat. If there are no recipes that show how to cut out the bad stuff, it may help to do a little experimenting.

For those who do not care for baking but love their sweets can make this treat that is certain to take care of chocolate cravings. Mix a packet of reduced calorie hot chocolate or cocoa powder and place inside individual containers. Let stiffen or freeze for two hours. If a person wants to add variety, mashed bananas will work also.

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