lundi 28 octobre 2013

Global Food Crisis Solution

By Dalton S. Harper

Now is the right time for countries to develop long term plans and goals about the current food crisis, to make sure it does not happen again.Right now the world is in a panic, governments are trying to come up with solutions, and if they do it will be for the short term at best. A senior agriculture official from Brazil predicts the crisis and high food prices will last for at least another six years, which is all the more for governments to act now!A well organized plan would not only insure order instead of chaos, but would stabilize food prices. The current crisis is only one of many that have happened in the past but it is the only one that has had a direct impact on the western nations.

In other words, the undisputed king of low prices may not be able to hang onto the crown forever. The bottom line spin on this particular information seemed to be that we haven't seen anything yet, and that America is just "one supply shock away from a full-blown food crisis that would make the price spikes of 2008 look like a happy memory."

Increased world population,Increased demand for more food,Development,Droughts,Subsidies and Tariffs,More competition and higher prices on the commodities that are produced,Waste,High oil prices In the past few months we have heard a lot of talk and rhetoric from government officials from the pledging of more money, and promising to do more, but this is not enough we have to put systems and fail safes into place to compensate for the growing population and our efforts to find alternative energy solutions to decrease our dependency on oil.And how do we put systems into place? Through proper planning, goal setting, and training

Proper Planning: Is the task of making strategies that take you from point A to point B. If you don't have a plan you don't know where you are headed.Goal Setting: This sounds like a simple thing to do, and if it was we all would have accomplished our goals by now. But setting and achieving goals requires commitment and follow-up and being flexible enough to change as the conditions change.

Training: All you need to do is look around at your own organization, and what you might see is significant changes that have occurred during the last year. Change has accelerated to the point where some governments and organizations are in chaos, and most are at least staggered. If our work worlds were stable, and un-changing, we might not need to worry, but since nothing stays the same, new skills knowledge and concepts are needed to achieve our goals.Simplistic solutions about the food crisis have been written in news papers from the Financial Times to the Wall Street Journal. One purported for us to stockpile our pantries. How long can you eat Captain Crunch cereal? It just doesn't make sense.

Martin Luther King once said, "Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think."The food crisis of 2008 will take more than just talk and gimmicks; it will require the world to be courageous in its thinking and fearless in its actions.he concepts that I have been teaching in my seminars for the past twenty years have used these two principles.

Courageous in thinking, you want to develop new ideas to problems no matter how radical they seem and then finite the solution to where it is a manageable and workable concept.Fearless in action, most alternative concepts and solutions that are outside the norm will draw doubters like "a moth to a flame" But you have to be willing to put yourself out there on a limb and be committed to your ideas. Edward Deming the father of Japanese management was ridiculed and told his style of management would never work is a good example of this.Dr. W. Edwards Deming's name is legendary in Japan for the role he played in reinvigorating their industries after World War II. His revolutionary 14 Points for Management or Deming Method are the basis of the seven criteria of the U. S. Department of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and Japan's Highest Industrial Award for Excellence or Deming Prize.

Extreme weather, the bee colony collapse (bees pollinate some 90% of the world's commercial crops), the collapsing dollar, the recent Food Safety Modernization Act, rising oil prices, increased soil pollution (the aluminum in the chemtrails being sprayed has contaminated soil, killed plants, and made much of the world's soil sterile) and the GMO giants needing to complete their takeover of the world's food-with all these things working together, we may see a food crisis of truly epic proportions in the very near future.

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