samedi 9 août 2014

Sommeliers & 3 Important Talking Points

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

To put it into general terms, a sommelier's focus is on wine and its many specifics. With this in mind, you may be curious as to what exactly these "specifics" are, regardless of how much you know about this particular beverage. Only those who have studied from the best establishments will be able to recognize this but be certain that every sommelier must have certain traits intact. In fact, here are just 3 that every specialist, in this field, should have.

Before anything else, a sommelier must understand what exactly a certain type of wine has to offer. In particular, attention should be brought to some of the nutritional and other health-related topics. For example, let's say that you are a fan of white wine more than anything else; your heart's aging may be slowed down due to moderate consumption. Red wine has less sugar, though, so it's important to weight your options if you are new to the idea of wine consumption.

You must also be able to recommend certain types of wine to your customers. This is cemented in the idea of customer service, which is another factor that a sommelier should have to a high degree. Keep in mind that you are going to interact with many different customers, so it's important to present your best personality. In addition, when you speak with confidence, as you know what you are talking about, those who will order the wine will be more confident to take your word at face value.

There is also the matter of food pairing that any sommelier can carry out. Keep in mind that due to the various tastes associated with food and wine alike, this is not a mix-and-match situation; certain combinations are able to product satisfying results. For example, a white wine can work well with a savory fish such as salmon. On the other hand, red wine seems to be tailor-made for the purpose of heavier foods, beef being one of the best examples. Without question, sommeliers recognize the importance of wine and how it should be paired with certain foods.

To say that a sommelier is responsible for many different facets of the culinary arts would be an understatement. Yes, a sommelier is responsible for subjects pertaining to wine but there is far more to consider than this. You want to make sure that you have a clear understanding of what different wines entail and how they can possibly work with different foods. If you spend time learning, your effectiveness as a sommelier will only become stronger.

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