jeudi 16 juin 2016

Useful Information On Sustainable Agriculture Omaha

By Henry Thomas

In order to attain food security, farmers need to continually produce more food using the same parcel of land without rendering it useless. To achieve sustainable agriculture Omaha agriculturists must adopt farming methods that preserve the fertility of their farms. This is not a hard thing to do but must be driven by commitment and a sense of responsibility to protect the environment.

As a farmer, you will need to have a clear plan on what you want to do. Research on what crops to grow and how to get quality seeds. If you do not have land to farm make arrangements to lease or buy a fertile field. You will also need laborers in your farm and professional advice on disease management. Have a ready market in mind that will consume your farm produce otherwise your work will be meaningless. Decide where to get these services from before you start your venture.

You will need to take good care of your farm and always ensure it is fertile so as to sustain the growth of crops. You can embrace good practices that replenish the earth every time you farm. For example, legumes fix Nitrogen to the soil and thus are a good choice to rotate with cereals. By so doing, you make sure that the land retains its fertility.

Intercropping is another method of ensuring that farmlands remain fertile. This practice is best utilized when symbiotic crops are used. When crops that deplete Nitrogen from the soil are grown on the same land with those that fix the same nutrients to earth, the net effect is that the fertility of the farm is retained. This means that farmers will use less fertilizer thus saving on farm input costs and maximizing profits.

You will need to control runoff water during the rainy season. If not checked, it will wash away the top soil which supports the growth of crops. This will leave your farm barren and consequently affect your yield. To fix this problem, you can grow cover crops which will trap the water and prevent soil erosion. Also, dig terraces that will check the flow of water.

For a farmer to continually produce crops on their farm, they need a reliable source of capital. Whereas initial capital can be sourced from other sources, continual investments must come from the proceeds of selling farm produce. This way the farm will be able to run itself hence guarantee its future. As a farmer, you must think of processing your produce to final products that can be sold to customers. This will help you increase you profit margin.

Minimize the use of pesticides by using natural predators. This may not be an easy thing to achieve as it requires deploying organisms on your farm to feed on the pests and not breed. There are firms that provide such services so you will need to find out whether they operate in your area.

Take your time and do adequate research on what other farmer are doing to keep their farms productive. Find out also what they are not doing right and be wise to avoid. Embrace technology and consult widely with research institutes in your area to find out the best practices to maximize your crop yield.

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