mardi 26 juillet 2016

More On Home Brew Ingredients

By Kimberly Hayes

Home brewing is one thing that almost all lovers of this drink have at once tried or imagined. This is because they usually feel the need of having it much closer to them. It may seem like an impossible idea to some but in reality making of the making of the drink at home is comfortable with all precautions and home brew ingredients at hand.

Similar to all drinks that we all know, the making of beer is done using specific ingredients. If one observes well, all the ingredients used in the making of this drink are not synthetic. This means the drink is very safe if taken responsibly. Each of the items used in making the drink is aimed at serving a particular purpose. The actual mixing at home is easy as simple tools are used.

For you to make your beer making a reality, you need to have malt, hops, yeast and not forgetting water. Brewing salts and additives are used but mainly for industrial needs. Malt is the first item that needs to be considered. Since brewing involves fermentation, a process that cannot happen without the presence of sugar, malt is going to be the sugar source.

Any grain can give malt the only difference is the content of sugar available. Rice, oats, corns barley and many others can be used for brewing. Barley is mostly preferred since it has the highest sugar content leading to quality output. One should store the barley in cool and dry places so that to avoid reduced quality.

The barley usually gives the malt extract, a concentrated solution of sugar. It is this solution that is fermented to give the alcohol. In the past, it was obtained by grinding and mashing of the barley or any preferable grain to give the extract. However, this process has been substituted for the direct extraction method.

Water is the largest part of this beer. It is thus paramount. At home, the tap water that we use is good enough for the whole process. It is imperative to note however that the taste can in be influenced by the water used. The chemical composition of water can also affect the process of v=breaking down the sugar to get alcohol.

In addition to these two, we have yeast. It is the catalyst of the entire process. Whereas the malt gives the sugar, the yeast has the role of breaking down the sugar to give the alcohol. This whole procedure is what is referred to as fermentation. Temperature levels will force one to either use the Ale yeast that works in temperature above 600F or the Lager yeast for temperatures lower than 400F.

For improvement of taste and flavor hops come in. They usually give the beer a very enticing aroma. They are also tasked with ensuring that the bitterness of the beer is well balanced ensuring that people can enjoy the drink. Many kinds of hops exist, and one will use specific pone depending on the need. Before them, flowers and herbs used to play this role.

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