jeudi 13 octobre 2016

Grab Your Cup Of Alkaline Coffee Los Angeles, CA And Fight Off The Side Effects

By John Howard

Espresso, cappuccino, instant, or macchiato - people have their favorite caffeine fix to start off their day. For some, coffee is already an addiction, and it takes more than just a cup of coffee to make them feel energized throughout the day. Just like everything else in life, too much of something is not good for you. While you can have your regular, daily morning dose of caffeine, going overboard may not leave a bad taste in your mouth, but it can have serious physical disadvantages. It has been studied for the past decades that too much caffeine is bad for you. And just how bad is having too much caffeine? Well, acidity is the issue, and this can be countered by the alkaline coffee Los Angeles, CA.

Now, our bodies need to absorb some acid. Without it, we would not be healthy. Unfortunately, we consume a typical Western diet that is very highly acidic. We drink coffee and soda all day. We constantly test our body's ability to get rid of all this acid.

The coffee bean is, after all, fruit. And since when was fruit bad! And coffee is a lot more than just a bitter drink loaded up with caffeine. It has plenty of other elements. Its benefits! It sounds strange and ironical too, because historically, we've always been blaming the beverage for a variety of medical conditions. The list of its ill effects is a long one.

The body will eventually experience fatigue and additional drowsiness brought about by the surge of energy. The chemicals released through the caffeine only triggers the stress response of our body. Caffeine allows the body to use up and consume the stored energy, resulting in physical activeness, faster heartbeat, and mental alertness - all considered to be the good benefits of the drink - but when all this energy is used up, the body experiences the fatigue as the side effect.

However, given the frightening statistics of how many of us get cancer at some point in our lives, if there is a chance that the beverage will help to reduce the risks...

Studies show that people who drink four or more cups are 10% less likely to suffer from depression. Other caffeine drinks do not have this effect (National Institutes of Health). This may be down to the large quantities of sugar in colas etc.

The benefits appear so good here that drug companies are even coming out with experimental drugs that can mimic the impact caffeine has on the brain. Alzheimer's disease is a debilitating condition. But the risks go down significantly if you take the beverage every day. Seniors should take note of this.

Helps you focus even when tired: Has been shown to give a temporary boost, even when your sleep deprived. This is because caffeine is very effective in blocking something called Adenosine - which is an inhibiting neurotransmitter. In simple terms, the brain works faster, improving our performance, and our mood!

Studies show that caffeine can slow down neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The beverage may not stop these from affecting us, but if there's a chance that it will slow down the onset, then I'm all for it.

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