lundi 28 mai 2018

Improve Health With Greek Olive Oil

By Catherine Young

Anyone who is experimenting with butter and vegetable oil alternatives may wonder which oils are best for everyday cooking. This depends on which types are being cooked. If deep frying, it helps to look for something with a low smoke point, like canola or peanut oil. However, flaxseed or greek olive oil provide many nutrients for foods cooked over a low to medium heat.

This unsaturated fat offers many health benefits, like a generous amount of antioxidants and more nutrition than nut oils. This type of oil, whether used in cooking or beauty products, improves the blood and is good for hair, skin, and the digestive system. Most people find that using the actual product to make a home treatment is a better deal than buying something at the store. Many beauty products that claim to have rich oils usually have a small amount.

Choosing the other types of oil, such as those labeled light or pure, are good choices as well. Sometimes, these are a better choice for dishes that do not need high heat or the intense olive taste. However, the extra virgin oil that is cold pressed to retain most of its nutrients and flavor is recommended for those looking improve health.

Cooking with olive oil can have many other health benefits, as foods tend to taste less heavy and the slight fruity aftertaste that comes with eating ripe olives. However, it is not to be confused with vegetable oils or animals fats. If cooking something that is very large or dense in texture, it helps to read up on the different types of olive oil before preparation.

Choosing the right type of olive oil is important for those who do a lot of deep frying or cook on high temperatures often. The wrong choice can lead to food becoming scorched while still raw on the inside. Light versions are ideal for making most vegetable dishes, or those made with instant rice, or other grain that requires minimal cooking time.

Health experts also recommend using this as a salad dressing for greens or potatoes. If giving up the creamy stuff is hard, try blending a half cup of oil with a tablespoon of plain greek yogurt. This is another product that is versatile as well as healthy, as it can help improve digestion. Making these substitutions will also help to cut unnecessary calories and saturated fat that is found in dressings made with mayonnaise and sour cream.

For those who like a little kick, these oils respond best to flavoring. In other words, adding roasted garlic pieces, fresh ground herbs, or spicy grilled peppers can bring the flavor to any kitchen. Making flavored oil blends at home costs a lot less than buying at specialty grocers or retailers.

The health benefits of using olive oil in cooking every day outweigh those of using butter or other animal fat product. Many find that their issues with cholesterol or hypertension are lessened, or adding more foods that are rich in antioxidants has helped them to lose unwanted pounds. The antioxidant properties also make this a wonderful hot oil treatment for hair that has been damaged by chemicals or the sun.

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