mardi 5 juillet 2016

To Buy Wagyu Beef Miami Is The Way To Go

By Harold Robinson

Wagyu beef is often referred to as Kobe beef. Kobe beef refers to meat that is derived from Japanese breeds of cattle. The term Wagyu can be broken into two parts, that is, Wa and Gyu. The first part, Wa, means Japanese, while the second part, Gyu, means cow. As such, the whole word translates to Japanese cattle in English. When in need of high-quality wagyu beef Miami is the best place to consider visiting.

Meat from these cattle has certain superior qualities that make it more preferable on the markets within the United States and other countries in the world. To begin with, the flavor is highly improved by the high level of marbling in the meat. Besides boosting the flavor, the marbling also boosts succulence, and tenderness. Because of this characteristics, the meat goes at higher prices in comparison to other meats in all global markets.

The breeding of the breed that is now known as wagyu was achieved several years ago, during the second century. Animals were selected to be used in agriculture based on their physical endurance. The animals were used in rice paddies. The selection was more favorable to animals that had more intra-muscular fat cells, which provided a ready source of energy.

The attainment of this breed of cattle was due to the crossing of native Japanese cattle with breeds imported from foreign countries. The government called for the importation because it wanted the Japanese citizens to be exposed to foreign habits and cultures. Some examples of breeds imported at the time are Ayrshire, Simmental, Shorthorn, Devon, Brown Swiss, and Korean cattle. Most breeds got imported from Asia, Europe, and Australia.

The crossing resulted in four main breeds within the breed, with black and red colors being dominant. The black variant has three main strains, that is, Kedaka, Fujiyoshi, and Tajiri. Regional isolation was also instrumental in the eventual variation that occurred. In Japan, ninety percent of all wagyus are black in color, while the remaining ten percent is made up of the red variant. The red variant has two strains, that is, the Kochi and Kumamoto.

In the end, the four breeds that resulted are the Japanese Shorthorn, Japanese Brown, Japanese Black, and Japanese Polled. US-based importers prefer the Japanese Black, but some still import the Japanese Red but to a lower extent. Ranchers who raise this breed of cattle for the US market are highly concentrated in Miami.

Japanese polled and Shorthorn are not being produced anywhere else on the globe except in Japan itself. Production of wagyus in Japan is regulated by the government closely and sternly. Progeny testing has been made mandatory for the breed. The Japanese government banned export of the animals because of the great value they hold. Instead, only processed products and meat can be exported.

The wagyu commands the greatest influence on the US market. Most people in the country prefer this steak over meat from other cattle. US chefs and other users are now preferring meat produced inside the US even after foreign countries stopped import of US-produced meat.

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