jeudi 6 septembre 2018

Common Sense Health Reasons For Choosing Grass Fed Beef And Pork

By Christopher Gibson

More and more people are beginning to understand the importance of what they are eating. Shoppers pay more attention to food products labelled organic, natural, and lite. The meat eating consumers have important choices to make when it comes to the animal products they buy. Those who can are willing to spend extra money in order to prepare meals with grass fed beef and pork. The health benefits and superior taste are at the core of their choices.

Not everyone understands the differences between animals that are raised on grass and the ones raised with a diet of corn and grain. Livestock raised naturally in the fields forage for their food. They grow at the rate intended by nature. These animals remain lean because they have the ability to roam freely. It takes longer to raise animals this way, and the ranchers pass that expense on to the consumer.

On the other hand, the livestock raised on grain and corn are almost always housed in massive facilities called concentrated animal feeding operations. The goals of the producers is to raise livestock as quickly as possible. They inject these animals with antibiotics daily regardless of their health. Producers have to do this because these animals are in such close quarters that one sick animal could decimate the whole population threatening the net profits of the producers and distributors.

You might lose some weight eating pasture raised cattle and hogs. These animals are leaner than those raised on grain. The crowded conditions of CAFOs cause stress in livestock and that results in high levels of cortisol. This makes the animal meat fattier. Dietitians estimate that people who eat organic meat save more than 16,000 calories every year.

Organic meat helps stabilize blood sugar levels. This can be critical for those with heart disease and diabetes. People who have low insulin sensitivity often end up taking insulation injections in order to regulate their insulation levels. Another benefit of making this choice is the level of CLA, a fatty acid, found in these meats. Scientists believe CLA helps maintain lean muscle mass and keep weight off.

CLA may help prevent cancers. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer in women with a diet rich in this nutrient. CLA is interesting because it's one of the few nutrients in meat found to reduce the risks of certain cancers. Meat from pasture raised livestock contains twice as much CLA as livestock raised on grain.

Meats from livestock raised in pastures have six times the healthy fats derived from Omega 3s as opposed to animals raised on grain. Omega 3s have been shown to increase a person's ability to focus and decrease the symptoms of depression. It can relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

It is important to be an informed consumer. It is difficult for some to appreciate that health benefits can outweigh the extra cost involved in choosing natural food products. The savings in doctor's bills and prescription drugs should put the choice in perspective.

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