jeudi 9 juillet 2015

The Health Benefits Of Buying Elk Steaks Online

By Olive Pate

Generally speaking, health-conscious Americans are always on the lookout for ways of improving their diet so they can live longer, feel better and do more. One of the newer pieces of diet advice that is currently sweeping the planet is to eat more meat from grass-fed cattle, as opposed to the more common, mass-produced technique of feeding cattle on cheaper, less space-intense, cereal grains. Buying elk steaks online is one way to ensure you are eating meat from animals that have been raised on acres of pasture land.

The logic behind this is that humans, as a species, have not yet evolved the dietary machinery to effectively metabolize and utilize complex carbohydrates and saturated fats. We are still processing food in the same way as our Paleolithic Age ancestors, who lived on what they could find and not what they could farm.

It turns out that what the meat-producing animal eats is important. Pasture- or grass-fed animals make better meat than their grain-fed cousins. There are compelling health, ethical and environmental arguments in favor of the pasture-raised option. While the protein composition of meat is genetically determined and does not vary depending on the diet of the consumer, the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) component depends on what the animal is fed.

There are three polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that are essential to human health but that cannot be manufactured within the human body. These are omega-3 and omega-6. While both are essential, the ratio of one to the other is also very important. Omega-3 fatty acids help us to fight coronary artery disease, immune system disorders, arthritis, hypertension, cancer and others. These PUFAs need to be incorporated into the diet if we are to get the benefits from them.

Grass-fed beef is leaner than grain-fed. Omega-3s make up seven percent of the total fatty acid content in cows raised on pasture but only one percent in grain-fed animals. Grass-fed meat has stacks of other important vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

Animals that eat grass have the metabolism necessary to break down is components and convert them into flesh for human consumption. Human beings lack this metabolic machinery. When we eat from cattle that have been raised on pasture land, we obtain a greater supply of nutrients as opposed to when we eat meat fed on cereal grains.

The whole grass vs grain vibe has an ethical angle, as well. It takes a lot of acreage to plant enough grass to support the dietary habits of grass-fed cattle. Grain-fed beef can be crammed into smaller spaces called confined animal feed lots (CAFO). Grain-fed cattle are also subject to more bacterial infections than their counterparts who are raised on lush, green pastures. True. A hamburger made from infected beef can actually kill you.

Natural elk meat is protein-rich while at the same time being low in fats and cholesterol. Elk meet is dark red and has a strong, meaty flavor. Being naturaly tender, it is not necessary to marinate the meat before slapping it on the barbecue or into the frying pan.

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